how hi the fi?

How Hi The Fi is the personal blog of Paul Rehm that might more aptly be named "Ranking Everything." The focal points of the blog are the posts in which I take an artist's career - be it musical, directorial or something else - view, listen to or read their work chronologically and then rank them from best to worst. In between these posts, I share my day-to-day happenings and plans for future lists. The blog is named after an album by jazz musician Buck Clayton that captures the attitude this blog would ideally convey. Be sure to bookmark this page and come back often!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'll Make Up A New God And Have A Funky Tea Party Of My Own

Just a few cool things to share today...
Three new cool gizmos for the blog's sidebar which will serve as the lists of the week...

Photos of the 20 or so drawings of jazz musicians I've done:

Photos of the posters or DVD covers from the top 25 greatest movie list from 2 weeks ago:

photos of the 20 albums everyone must own in order to be taken seriously when discussing music with me (aka my 20 greatest album list)

Hopefully tomorrow or the next day I will have photos from the awesome day at work I had today. I got to re-meet someone famous! Woo! With pictures! Wowza! Anyways, that's all I've got. I'm not particularly inspired lately when it comes to the blog.

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