how hi the fi?

How Hi The Fi is the personal blog of Paul Rehm that might more aptly be named "Ranking Everything." The focal points of the blog are the posts in which I take an artist's career - be it musical, directorial or something else - view, listen to or read their work chronologically and then rank them from best to worst. In between these posts, I share my day-to-day happenings and plans for future lists. The blog is named after an album by jazz musician Buck Clayton that captures the attitude this blog would ideally convey. Be sure to bookmark this page and come back often!

Friday, August 8, 2008

I Have A Mind To Join A Club And Beat You Over The Head With It

It should be a crazy busy day today. At work alone I have the following things to do:
  • At least one interview for the Fulton paper
  • Transcribe quotes for the Douglas and Fulton papers
  • Call all four coaches in Douglas to finish up my football preview stories
  • Transcribe the quotes from these conversations
  • Write the football preview stories (4)
  • Write features on one player from each team per aforementioned transcribed quotes (4)
  • Write a blog entry for our new website
  • Possibly write stories for Fulton
  • Collapse

Tonight should be fun. It could be GALLON CHALLENGE day. It hasn't officially been decided that it's today, but personally I don't care anymore, haha, I'm not even going to prepare myself all that much except I'll probably avoid eating foods that will be grosser coming up than going down.

My Red Sox are close to getting Brian Giles for injury insurance. It's nice. It's also nice to see Jason Bay doing well while Manny could face a lifetime ban from baseball if they find out he mailed it in (see: collusion). Jason Bay getting love from his teammates makes me very, very happy.
I'm still unpacking at the new apartment. It's been extremely time consuming and tedious. Everything got jumbled by being in 2 different places and putting it all back together in nice new order is exhausting. I've been sorting through records, DVDs, books, magazines, newspapers and tons of random trinket-y things I've amassed over the years. The living room (home of the records, DVDs and lots of cool posters) looks great now. It took a long time but it finally came together. Now I'm working on my room. I have tons of shelf space which is something I've wanted for awhile. I think it's going to look chaotic, even when it's finished, but at this point the volume of crap I have makes it impossible for me to have a simple, sleek looking room.

Since the week's almost over and I haven't done one yet, here's the list of the week. This week it's "best looking female celebrities." They are in alphabetical order. I love them all (especially when no one's around).

  • Ingrid Bergman
  • Kate Bosworth
  • Tina Fey
  • Anne Hathaway
  • Audrey Hepburn
  • Norah Jones
  • Grace Kelly
  • Keira Knightley
  • Rachel McAdams
  • Dagmar Midcap
  • Joanna Newsom
  • Natalie Portman


Phillip Kisubika said...

I definitely agree with Anne Hathaway and Rachel McAdams...mmmm....hotness.

nichole davis said...

yeeesh, busy man!

make sure you don't eat pasta before the gallon challenge. that can only turn out awfully. then again, you have more than likely already ingested the insane amount of milk as it's two in the morning on saturday and you were planning on doing this on friday. i'm late to the party, it seems.

manny deserves it. plain and simple.
and i heart jason bay too.