how hi the fi?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Bo Diddley, Bo Diddley, Have You Heard?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Vince Dooley's Tears Cure Cancer
Coach Dooley was pretty cool to hang out with. A lot of my friends had had the pleasure of his company more than I had in college, but after I graduated I joined a Men's Bible Study church group thing of about 20 guys. One of them was Coach Dooley. Other "famous" people include Mark Richt's father and 2 of David Perno's brothers. This in addition to several affluent Athens businessmen. Moving to Atlanta killed my involvement, but still, it was awesome.
Should be a pretty fantastic sports week this week. College football starts, high school football starts (work, ugh), and most importantly: Red Sox vs Yankees, final series in Yankee Stadium. Big series for the Sox.
My friend Jarrod from Vidalia is in town this week which is nice. He's here for some sort of training thing. His company is much welcomed and he's considering moving up here apparently. God knows I need more friends in this city. We were hanging out at Octane last night, my favorite coffee place in Atlanta. It was a very good time.
Not much to talk about again today. I've been thinking about discussing my love life but I don't really want this blog to become that sort of sappy idiotic ramblings page. Any suggestions for a list of the week this week?
Monday, August 25, 2008
A Little Toothpaste On A Monday Afternoon

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Come On! Feel The Georgianoise!

Georgia (!!!!)
Rhode Island

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I'll Make Up A New God And Have A Funky Tea Party Of My Own
Three new cool gizmos for the blog's sidebar which will serve as the lists of the week...
Photos of the 20 or so drawings of jazz musicians I've done:
Photos of the posters or DVD covers from the top 25 greatest movie list from 2 weeks ago:
photos of the 20 albums everyone must own in order to be taken seriously when discussing music with me (aka my 20 greatest album list)
Hopefully tomorrow or the next day I will have photos from the awesome day at work I had today. I got to re-meet someone famous! Woo! With pictures! Wowza! Anyways, that's all I've got. I'm not particularly inspired lately when it comes to the blog.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
It's Great To Be A Georgia Bulldog

1. Boston Red Sox
2. Duke Blue Devils Basketball
3. University Of Georgia Football
4. University Of Georgia Basketball
5. Jeff Gordon (Hendrick Motorsports)
6. Boston Celtics
7. Denver Nuggets
8. Houston Rockets
9. Atlanta Hawks
10. Atlanta Thrashers
11. Atlanta Braves
12. Kansas Jayhawks Basketball
13. Tiger Woods
Eventually I think I might make a list where I ranke how I feel about every team in a sport or league from top to bottom. It's good for the sake of reminding me I hate a team when I subconsciously join their bandwagon.
Also, Kansas basketball is only on the list because of their Final Four victory over UNC, one of the best moments of my year so far.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I Could Dance With You Until The Cows Come Home. On Second Thought, I'd Rather Dance With The Cows Till You Come Home
Rufus T. Firefly: I'll see you at the opera tonight. I'll hold your seat till you get there. After you get there you're on your own.



Sunday, August 10, 2008
A Child Of Five Would Understand This. Someone Fetch A Child Of Five.
In other news, after attempting the gallon challenge, we went to see Pineapple Express. This movie was very, very interesting. While walking out of the theater I called it "the best bad movie I've ever seen" and I stand by this statement. It was completely and utterly hilarious. The script was fantastic and there weren't any gaping plot holes. The direction and/or editing were beyond bad, though. I feel like the movie was supposed to exist in a different world than it did. The director went through great lengths to show the world in which these events took place was our own and then constantly had things happen that defied logic. If we're playing by the rules of our world, you can't have events that would make a normal person scratch their head in disbelief passed along as no big deal. This happened the entire movie, whether it was Seth Rogan's relationship with the high school chick, the high school chick's parents' weird attitudes about

It will probably end up being the best movie on the year I wouldn't buy. But who knows, maybe I'll be talked into it. It's certainly a good conversation-piece movie. Oh, and if you like Simon Pegg movies, I recommend this one for you especially.
Updated list of 2008 movies:
12. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
11. Charlie Bartlett
10. Definitely, Maybe
9. Incredible Hulk, The
8. Semi-Pro
7. Horton Hears A Who
6. Pineapple Express
5. Get Smart
4. Iron Man
3. My Blueberry Nights
2. Dark Knight, The
Friday, August 8, 2008
I Have A Mind To Join A Club And Beat You Over The Head With It
- At least one interview for the Fulton paper
- Transcribe quotes for the Douglas and Fulton papers
- Call all four coaches in Douglas to finish up my football preview stories
- Transcribe the quotes from these conversations
- Write the football preview stories (4)
- Write features on one player from each team per aforementioned transcribed quotes (4)
- Write a blog entry for our new website
- Possibly write stories for Fulton
- Collapse
Tonight should be fun. It could be GALLON CHALLENGE day. It hasn't officially been decided that it's today, but personally I don't care anymore, haha, I'm not even going to prepare myself all that much except I'll probably avoid eating foods that will be grosser coming up than going down.
My Red Sox are close to getting Brian Giles for injury insurance. It's nice. It's also nice to see Jason Bay doing well while Manny could face a lifetime ban from baseball if they find out he mailed it in (see: collusion). Jason Bay getting love from his teammates makes me very, very happy.
I'm still unpacking at the new apartment. It's been extremely time consuming and tedious. Everything got jumbled by being in 2 different places and putting it all back together in nice new order is exhausting. I've been sorting through records, DVDs, books, magazines, newspapers and tons of random trinket-y things I've amassed over the years. The living room (home of the records, DVDs and lots of cool posters) looks great now. It took a long time but it finally came together. Now I'm working on my room. I have tons of shelf space which is something I've wanted for awhile. I think it's going to look chaotic, even when it's finished, but at this point the volume of crap I have makes it impossible for me to have a simple, sleek looking room.
Since the week's almost over and I haven't done one yet, here's the list of the week. This week it's "best looking female celebrities." They are in alphabetical order. I love them all (especially when no one's around).
- Ingrid Bergman
- Kate Bosworth
- Tina Fey
- Anne Hathaway
- Audrey Hepburn
- Norah Jones
- Grace Kelly
- Keira Knightley
- Rachel McAdams
- Dagmar Midcap
- Joanna Newsom
- Natalie Portman
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Vinyl Find Of The Week, Etc.
Ever since I posted the link to my blog on Facebook, I've been getting quite a few hits. Miraculously I didn't get any comments on my list of 25 favorite movies. I thought that one would garner some sort of discussion. A year or two ago I posted my favorite movies by decade on Facebook and got tons of comments. Oh well.
Work has been stressful lately. I've been doing all of my regular work on time but I've been struggling to get photos that accompany the stories I write that take place outside of Douglas County. I rely on the interviewed subjects to submit photos and they forget or whatever and I'll get phone calls from the powers that be wondering what happened. It makes me look bad and, lately, feel bad. The higher-ups scheduled a meeting at the same time of what might be my biggest local assignment ever (that is, I've recruited several people to show up somewhere to do something for a story and now I won't be there to ask them questions). It's technically not a HUGE problem, but didn't help anything. I've taken on a lot of extra work outside of my coverage area without asking any questions and all of the problems regarding it are probably making me look bad to the higher-ups rather than making me look good for doing thankless work without ever really being asked to do diddley. Oh well again.
On a lighter note, I'm still loving the Jason Bay/Manny Ramirez swap. We lost our first game since getting Bay last night but he still has a hit in every game he's been with us. Meanwhile the Yankees' big trade deadline pitching acquisition gave up a walk-off grand slam yesterday. Gotta love that. I haven't been worried about the Yankees all year, then, right after the All Star break they started catching up, then they almost swept us, then they were right on our heels, then they picked up lots of good players at the deadline, but suddenly I'm back to being comfortable with them. Their pickups weren't very good afterall, their pitching staff is falling apart like crazy, the guys who were having insane months are coming back to earth and they seem extremely beatable. Meanwhile, the Jason Bay Red Sox seem relaxed and relieved to be rid of Manny. I'll take it.